Pastor Daniel Pearson and Family

My testimony

I was born and raised in the city of Cincinnati, and I have lived here all 36 years of my life. I ran around the streets of Roselawn, Bond Hill, and Avondale until Mama said to come in for the night. Growing up I hated church, which amazes me that God is using me now to start a church. I went to church for 19 years with no concern for God, His word was dead to me, His work was a waste of time to me, and His worship was boring to me. Then one hot summer day in 2006, I heard the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. I learned how Jesus died for my sins and rose from the grave. In that moment, God became real to me, Jesus became alive to me, and I was changed forever.

My family

I met my wife Tiara in 2007 at a Wendy’s restaurant. After going to church with me for a few months, God saved her by His grace in 2008, when she heard the same gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. We entered into God’s holy union of marriage in 2010. God has blessed us with 5 beautiful kids; Sariah, Sidney, Daniel, David, and Darius.

My vision

Our vision can be broken into several components. First of all, see souls come to know Jesus like we have, as the sin-bearing, death-conquering King. Secondly, we long to see souls be baptized as the Lord commands–a public declaration that they are no longer the old person living for the world and against God. Third, we are seeking to disciple the saints. This may be over a cup of coffee, at your home, or maybe at our home. We long to see more Christians learn to live the more abundant life that Jesus has promised. Lastly, our fourth vision is to see a community of people who are saved by God’s grace duplicate this vision at Greater Vision through ministries to the youth, to the poor, and to families in all areas of life.

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